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Headlight Repair

Here I'm going to explain to you two methods of repairing you oxidized headlight. Yes you can go to your local auto parts store and buy the kit but without following through and doing it correctly you will not get the results you are looking for. Repairing your headlights is just like buffing any other thing! You're going to start with a heavier grit sand paper working your way up to 3 or 4000 grit sand paper.


First you are going to want to make sure your headlights are clean of any dirt or bugs using dawn dish soap works quite nice doing this. Once they are clean allow for them to dry!


For the first sand you will do dry with 400 grit sand paper making sure you have nice even strokes not pressing to hard and not spending any more time in one area then the other. You may want to add some blue painters tape to mask off your headlight so you do not slip at all while sanding and nick your cars paint! 

Once you feel as if you sand is even and all the oxidation is gone again time to clean up the dust, I personally like to keep a bucket of water near me at this point on as the rest is wet sanding anyway.


Once you let it dry and all the dust is gone your headlight will look pretty rough but don't fair as this is what the higher grit sandpaper is for.

From here we are going to want to move up to a heavier grit 800 - 1000 wet sand meaning make sure to keep both the sand paper and headlight wet while you are sanding. When you are to see that its again an even sand go ahead and clean it off again. You may have to pause in middle of sanding in order to clean up what turns into a plastic like substance do from sanding. You'll see and feel the headlight get smother from the more course sand paper to the new wet sand 1000 grit paper. continue to do this for each grit sand paper until you work yourself up to the 3000 to 4000 grit making sure the headlight stays wet as you sand.

Once you have worked your way up to at least 3000 grit sand paper you feel its fairly smooth but yet glazed. This will be the point you get to choose what way you are going to finish you lights! 


Method 1

From the wet sand 3000 grit would be the time to either break out the drill and your favorite buffing compounds following the directions as on the back until you have the clean nice lens!


Method 2

From wet sand of 3000 grit or greater here  you're going to want to clean it thoroughly allowing it plenty of time to dry before clear coating. I like to peel off the masking tape from prior, using a microfiber towel to dry up the most of it then allow it to dry for a good half hour or so. Before clear coating I recommend to blow it off just in case you have any towel partials or dust the may have fallen while it was drying.

 Time for clear coating obviously masking off any parts you wouldn't want paint on! I will not go into detail of spray painting as many people have different methods but normally one light mist give it 10 minutes or so and hit it again normally works for me. The good thing about this is you will not need to buff them in the future as you would for method 1


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