Customize your Color MFD
We do offer a pre configured pages set up that is more than appealing to the eye and easy to navigate, but if you would like to kick it up a notch with a custom boot animation or splash screen and even switch pages around to make it your own we would love to help. Below are 2 diagrams allowing you to pick and choose how you would like for your display look up to 6 different pages! If you're interested in customizing your Color MFD further please feel free to print or use your computer to put the displays you would like in the boxes or circles!
The white boxes and circles you are able to change to any display read outs you would like! The circle represents gauges (selection may vary) The Black boxes you will not be able to change. Blue represents the background of pre configured backgrounds and the red lines can be changed to either Red, Blue, Yellow, Green or White. If you would like to change your background to something other that more fits you and your ride please feel free to reach out to me!
Digital Readouts
Intake Temperature
Outside Temperature
Custom Animations / Boot Screens
If the stock animation doesnt catch your eye lets make it what suits you! If you are to supply a link or short video clips so I can try my best to break down the frames and turn that into your Custom Boot Animation!